Tuesday 23 April 2013


Choosing what went into my Portfolio was so important as you want to be able to showcase all your best bits but as we havent done that many briefs this year then I didnt have too many to choose from. This is where I had to call on my Tutor to come and work through all of my work picking out what he thought was my best and what showed off my skills the most. He helped alot and I think with what I have in my portfolio I'll be proud to put it on show for all to see. I will probably go through it again before my final show adding things to it, but for now I have around 9 pieces of work in there which is within the wanted amount. I have things in there from Branding to packaging to logo desing. This shows off some sort of range of work and what I am able to create.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Seb Lester Talk

We were fortunate enough to have Seb Lester come into college to talk about his life and how he got to where he is now. The talk lasted around and hour and was very inspirational. Hes such a lovely person and seems to still have that feel of not knowing how good he really is. He took us through some of his work explaining what he did to design it and what tools he used to do it. All of his work is amazing and since the talk I have researched into him more and will continue to be inspired by him. Although he didnt want any photographs taking of his work, we were able to get a group photo with him which I will try to get a copy of to put on my blog.....

Friday 8 March 2013


After taking it into my own hands I decided that I wanted to do a placement at a company called Imprint as I thought it would be a great opportunity to see what goes on not only with the designing side of things but what happens to the designs once theyre done. Where do they go? What happens to them next?... I sent a Cv into Imprint along with a letter asking if I was able to do a one week placement. I had a phonecall the next day from one of their Mac Operators asking if I could go in for a casual chat to see what it was I wanted my placement for... I started my placement the next day for one week. In that week I learned all sorts of different things from what work went into being a Mac operator to having a go myself. I had a tour of the whole factory and was given 30minutes on each machine with someone showing me what they did. There was machines from lasor cutters to uv printers all of which were very usefull to watch. I was able to see the design in digital form on the mac and then able to follow where it went after that. Mac to printer to folder, glue machine, laminator to dispatch/packing. After my one week placement was over I was asked to do another 4 weeks at Imprint which I was more than happy to do. In that time I spent a day in Dispatch packing the finished products ready for shipping. Even though Dispatch was nothing to do with design I really enjoyed it although it was hard work. After having all of this experience and more I designed my own poster for the company and was able to follow that thoughout the whole process. I dont have a copy of that poster unfortunately. Being down at Imprint gave me an insight of not only the design side of things but what process they go thorugh after that. This will help me alot throughout my design path im going down right now... I had a meeting at the end of my placement and I was told that I had done a great job and if a job came up for a Mac operator that I'd be first in line. Overall I am happy that I done the placement eventhough I was so nervous and didnt know what to expect. I loved every minute of it.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Final Cafe Branding

Now that I have finished this brief and put everything together I am so happy with the outcome and have to say that this is one of my favourite things I've done in the whole 2 years. I enjoyed every little bit of it from the drawing of the cupcakes and teacups to the creating of the menu and loyalty card. Im pretty happy with the name too and think it has a ring to it. Here are my finals for you to see....

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Final packaging design

I have now finished my project and to be honest I didnt really enjoy doing it. I think for me to get into something and be able to do it to the best of my ability I have to actually enjoy doing it and have some sort of passion for it. Packaging, unfortunetly I dont enjoy. I do have a finished product that I am quite proud of even though its not my best so here goes. Hope you like it.....
As you can see I was able to create my oldy worldy look with my illustrations.

Monday 19 November 2012

Cafe Branding Ideas/Development

Im now 2 weeks into my Branding brief and have got a few things I'd like to share to show you what I have come up with design wise. I wanted it to be slightly imperfect/messy (but not too messy) When drawing my illustrations I wasnt bothered about going over a few lines here and there to create that look. I have uploaded some of my Development for you to see where im going with this...

Monday 5 November 2012

Alternetive Techniques

I have a new brief on Alternetive Techniques which ables me to choose what I think I am most able to do which when I have had a little think about it I have decided it would be branding. I will do some branding for a Cafe. This means I'll have to think of a name, design and anything else that goes along with it. I obviously like branding which is why I have chosen to do it. It means that I am able to do what I like with the design and theres no limits  to what I do. I'll update when I have some ideas...