Tuesday 27 November 2012

Final packaging design

I have now finished my project and to be honest I didnt really enjoy doing it. I think for me to get into something and be able to do it to the best of my ability I have to actually enjoy doing it and have some sort of passion for it. Packaging, unfortunetly I dont enjoy. I do have a finished product that I am quite proud of even though its not my best so here goes. Hope you like it.....
As you can see I was able to create my oldy worldy look with my illustrations.

Monday 19 November 2012

Cafe Branding Ideas/Development

Im now 2 weeks into my Branding brief and have got a few things I'd like to share to show you what I have come up with design wise. I wanted it to be slightly imperfect/messy (but not too messy) When drawing my illustrations I wasnt bothered about going over a few lines here and there to create that look. I have uploaded some of my Development for you to see where im going with this...

Monday 5 November 2012

Alternetive Techniques

I have a new brief on Alternetive Techniques which ables me to choose what I think I am most able to do which when I have had a little think about it I have decided it would be branding. I will do some branding for a Cafe. This means I'll have to think of a name, design and anything else that goes along with it. I obviously like branding which is why I have chosen to do it. It means that I am able to do what I like with the design and theres no limits  to what I do. I'll update when I have some ideas...