Tuesday 11 December 2012

Final Cafe Branding

Now that I have finished this brief and put everything together I am so happy with the outcome and have to say that this is one of my favourite things I've done in the whole 2 years. I enjoyed every little bit of it from the drawing of the cupcakes and teacups to the creating of the menu and loyalty card. Im pretty happy with the name too and think it has a ring to it. Here are my finals for you to see....

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Final packaging design

I have now finished my project and to be honest I didnt really enjoy doing it. I think for me to get into something and be able to do it to the best of my ability I have to actually enjoy doing it and have some sort of passion for it. Packaging, unfortunetly I dont enjoy. I do have a finished product that I am quite proud of even though its not my best so here goes. Hope you like it.....
As you can see I was able to create my oldy worldy look with my illustrations.

Monday 19 November 2012

Cafe Branding Ideas/Development

Im now 2 weeks into my Branding brief and have got a few things I'd like to share to show you what I have come up with design wise. I wanted it to be slightly imperfect/messy (but not too messy) When drawing my illustrations I wasnt bothered about going over a few lines here and there to create that look. I have uploaded some of my Development for you to see where im going with this...

Monday 5 November 2012

Alternetive Techniques

I have a new brief on Alternetive Techniques which ables me to choose what I think I am most able to do which when I have had a little think about it I have decided it would be branding. I will do some branding for a Cafe. This means I'll have to think of a name, design and anything else that goes along with it. I obviously like branding which is why I have chosen to do it. It means that I am able to do what I like with the design and theres no limits  to what I do. I'll update when I have some ideas...

Thursday 18 October 2012

Packaging Ideas/Development

Over the weekend I have had I was able to go through some Ideas I have had and have started to develop some of them onto paper. Once I done some research on Space NK I seen that their packaging was pretty boring and plain so I wanted to create something totally different for them. Amongst other ideas I had the idea of going down the oldy worldy route creating different illustrations of old perfume bottles, mirrors and shampoo bottles. I have uploaded some of my development so you can get a better understanding of what I'm talking about...

Monday 24 September 2012


I have just recieved a new brief which is a packaging brief. This will give me the opertunity to design some lovely lovely packaging :D. I dont usually like designing packaging as its not my strong point but I like to give myself a challange now and again. I will be desinging packaging for a company called Space NK, this company provide a wide range of cosmetics from makeup to smellies to perfume. Its packagin for a perfume bottle that I will be desinging. Ill blog some more once I have some ideas of what direction I want to go in.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Final Major Project-Primark Rebrand

Finaly I have managed to get my final designs onto my blog! These consist of: My final logo, 3 bag designs, one website mockup and 1 gift card. I am very proud of these and I think this is my best project to come out of my first year. I was able to design whatever i wanted this time round so I think that helped alot with my concantration and motivation throughout this final project. I'll let you decide whether you like my designs or not... Enjoy. F

Tuesday 5 June 2012


I love nothing more than drawings of eyes, especially this one. The amount of detail that has gone into this one eye is amazing, the person who drew this has an amazing talent of being able to make a drawing look so realistic! The detail on the eyelashes is amazing, each and every one is perfect! The fact that the eyeball its self has a shine on is just amazing. I love everything about it! F

Friday 1 June 2012

SWOT Analysis

Being a Graphic Designer is challenging at times but when I get a project that I really like and am able to get right into it then it makes it a lot less of a stressful experience. I just get on with it, concentrate and do my very best to achieve the best marks I possibly can. My weakness is not handing in on time, this happens when I find it hard to concentrate throughout the project and I fall behind more and more as time goes on. My strengths are: 1)layout, I am able to see when something looks good and is in the right place. Sometimes my friends ask me for my input on the layout of something they have designed, however sometimes I need their input on my things too, it works both ways. 2)Colour and schemes, I am good at marrying colours together and creating a colour scheme. This comes in handy because having the right colour of something can change the whole perspective of it. If something hasn't got the right colour then it can make the whole thing look totally wrong! 3)Good knowledge of current design trends, I do a lot of research into fashion and trends so I keep that in my mind which helps me when designing and knowing what is on trend at that current time. My outcomes for this course are that I would definitely like to leave here with a great understanding of Photoshop and Illustrator. I would like to be able to create designs to a high and professional standard. Lastly, Graphic Design is a very competitive business and theres a lot of competition around so that is a threat to me, which is why I need to be on top of my game and always bettering myself. F

Friday 18 May 2012

Primark Rebrand

DEADLINE DAY I have just handed in my last project of the year and to be honest I am quite happy with the outcome. I spent a lot of time on this one and planned it out so I could meet my deadlines. I think I have worked well on this and have been focused on what I was doing. Unfortunately I am unable to upload an image of my work for you guys, sorry. F

Friday 2 March 2012

Branding Myself

This week I have been trying to brand myself and design a logo for myself with my name in somewhere! Quite hard to get going but I've already got a few ideas which are more type based instead of picture logo! Maybe this is the way forward...F

Tuesday 21 February 2012

On my last project which was Ministry of Sound, I was fine at the start and getting designs done then I started to fall behind, which when that happens its just awful and I find it really hard to get back on track. However I stayed up SO late the night before hand in day and got lots done and caught up!... Hand in day arrived and as I presume everyone else was also, I panicked. I was only able to complete 2 out of 3 posters as I was using indesign which I'm not very good with and it took a long time! Hopefully I may be able to go back on myself and get that 3rd one done. All in all I did enjoy this project and liked the posters I came out with at the end. What I would have done differently is to try not to fall behind, practice on indesign and complete each poster to a higher standard! Here is one on my completed poster.....F